Welcome to the murison.net website! This site details knowledge of the Murison family history collated from information passed down to me and given from people worldwide that have contacted me since starting this site Aug 2002. The family tree on this website goes back to 1760 to the Murison family in Wallhowe Farm (now Wellhowe), Whitehill Estate at New Deer, Aberdeenshire. Before then, the family is thought to have come from Inverness. Murisons (or descendants of) from all around the world have contacted me with family information that has expanded the tree or allowed information to be passed on to other site visitors. What murison.net is aiming to do with visitors photos & stories, is to capture a more personal tree that is not possible from being collated just from census records. With the enthusiastic input of visitors, the tree has grown enormously since the site upgrade in March 2009. Ten years on from the update I do admit the site could do with another upgrade.Please sign the guest book and/or contact me by email to share any family information that you may have. ***************************************************************************** Every year I am contacted by Murisons, Murrisons, Morisons & Morrisons from all around the world. I take an interest in all enquiries and try to help where I can. Thanks to all that have posted on the guest book & posted comments with their information. *****************************************************************************
There is a link to Peter Cushing in this family tree. A scanned postcard with a photo of Peter Cushing as a boy was sent to my Grandfather James Mitchell Murison from his brother Dr Arthur A Murison (1881-1950). Arthur was married to Peter Cushing's Aunt Wyn.
Click here for postcard front.
Click here for postcard back.
Jan 20th 2012 Unfortunately we have lost Charles Anthony Murison Tatham the only Great Grandson of Prof A F Murison after a long illness. I had a nice phone conversation with him in 2010 and learned he was a very generous supporter of charities.
2011:- A wikipedia entry has been created for Prof Alexander F Murison. There is a link to his on the links page here.
July 2010:- Gail Murison sent much information collected by her Father linking Murison's to Rowallan Castle in Kilmarnock. See her information here. Also sent this old newpaper cutting:

May 2010:- A copy of a Victorian Map submitted by Lynda Welch details the exact position of Wellhowe Farm. Using this the google map location was found: Wellhowe location. *****************************************************************************
Jan 2010:- There is a new Murison! I am delighted to announce the arrival of a new entrant on the family tree! with the birth of my daughter Amber E Murison on 16th Jan 2010. *****************************************************************************
Through Murison.net, I was contacted by Jan Lokin, Professor of Roman Law at Groningen University.
On 25th January 2010 in the The Great Church of Groningen, the Martinikerk, Netherlands, there will be a presentation of the newly completed work of four Dutch scholars. Their 30 years of work continues the unfinished work by Prof A. F. Murison(1847-1935). The work is called the Paraphrase of Theophilus (The Groningen edition). Included in this new Edition, in honour of Alexander Falconer will be his English translation of the Greek text. Mary Lou Watson (Great Granddaughter of AF Murison) & I acknowledge this great tribute being paid to him.
Portrait of AF Murison
Portrait in private collection of a family member.